William Henry Sothoron

William H. Sothoron was born in St. Mary’s Co., MD in 1836. (Familysearch.org* {Church Records - Film # 2034724})

William H. Sothoron was born in about 1846, in St. Mary’s Co., MD. (Familysearch.org* {Church Records - Film # 1985402})

William H. Sothoron licensed in St. Mary’s Co. on 10 November 1857 to marry Elizabeth Ann Burroughs. (Brumbaugh* 1:392)

William H. Sothoron married Elizabeth Ann Burroughs on 17 November 1857. (Fresco(1)* :274)

Elizabeth Ann Burroughs Sothoron, wife of William H. Sothoron, buried on 11 July 1860. (Fresco(1)* :458)

Wm. H. Sothoron of Market (Division 3, Collection District 1), District of Columbia, Retail Dealer, was taxed $1.67 on 31 March 1864.  (Ancestry.com* - image of U.S. IRS Alphabetical Tax Assessment Monthly List, Pg 12, Ln 40)

MARRIED. On the 18th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Hoskins, Wm. H. Sothoron to Catharine Burroughs. (St. Mary’s Beacon :2, Reported 1864.09.01)

Dr. William H. Sothoron, son of Richard C. & Alice Woodburn Sothoron, married Catherine A. Burroughs, by Rev. Hoskins, in St. Mary’s Co. on 30 August 1864. (Fresco(1)* :274) (Fresco has this wrong, due to error by Cordell*; see Notes for Dr. James Thomas Sothoron - WHS*)

John Richard infant of W. H. Sothoron & Catharine his wife, in private. (Chron St. Mary’s 32:#9:8 {All Faith Parish Register :50}, 1866.07.29)

Sarah Alice - parents Wm. H. & Catharine Sothoron. Born and baptized 11 October 1871. (Chron St. Mary’s 33:#4:3 {All Faith Parish Register :1}, St.Mary’s Co.)

Sarah Alice Sothoron was born to William H. Sothoron and C.A. Sothoron in St. Mary’s Co. In 1872. (Familysearch.org* {Church Records - Film # 1903947})

Baptism of Claudie Manville on 15 June 1879 - parents Wm. Henry & Catharine Sothoron. Born 12-17-1878. (Chron St. Mary’s 33:#4:6 {All Faith Parish Register :18})

Baptism of Anna May on 14 October 1883- parents Wm. H. & Catharine A. Sothoron. Born 5-13-1883. (Chron St. Mary’s 33:#4:7 {(All Faith Parish Register :21})

Baptism of Andrew Webster, son of Wm. Henry & Katharine Sothoron, about 7 months old, by Rector in Mem. Chapel Charlotte Hall on 20 December 1885. Parents sponsors. Date of birth not recorded. (Chron St. Mary’s 33:#4:1 {All Faith Parish Register :22})

Magdalena Sothoron was born to William H. Sothoron and C.A. Sothoron in St. Mary’s Co. in 1888. (Familysearch.org* {Church Records - Film # 1903795})

Magdalena, infant daughter of C.A. & W.H. Sothoron, died at Charlotte Hall on 8 June 1889 at age of 1 year, 15 days. (Fresco(1)* :458)

Magdalena Sothoron died at Charlotte Hall on Saturday, June 8, 1889. Infant daughter of C. A. & W. H. Sothoron, aged 1 year and 15 days. (Long* {p. 2, col. 2}, Reported 1889.06.22)

Sarah Alice Sothoron, daughter of Dr. William H. & C.A. Sothoron of Charlotte Hall, died on 14 March 1893. (Fresco(1)* :458)

Stone of Sarah Alice Sothoron, born 11 July 1871, died 14 March 1893. "Eldest daughter of W.H. & C.A. Sothoron" (All Faith Church, Huntersville, St. Mary's Co.)

Named in death-related documents and/or notices of children James H., William F. & Andrew W. (see respective Notes for details).

** Census schedules - Maryland

See father’s Notes for 1850 Federal Census entry.

1860 Federal Slave Schedule (1860.06.01) District 5, St. Mary’s Co.

- W. H. Sothoron (Employer) had one 51 year old male slave. (Pg 65, Recorded 1860.06.21)

- W. H. Sothoron (Employer) had 11 slaves, ranging in age from 27 to 1 year of age; and 1 slave house. (Pg 62, Recorded 1860.08.17)

- Wm. H. Sothoron (O) had one 8 year old male slave. (Pg 65, Recorded 1860.08.18)

- W. H. Sothoron (Employer) had one 50 year old female slave (Pg 67, Recorded 1860.08.20)

1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.08.18) District 5, St. Mary’s Co. - Pg 183 (1101), Ln 20, 1566/1483)

- Wm. H. Sothoron - 24 year old male Farmer. Real property valued at $2,000, personal property at $2,000.

- Elizabeth “ - 23 year old female, occupation “W”.

- Sarah C. “ - 1 year old female.

- Mary A. “ - 1/12 year old female.

- Alice Sothoron - 57 year old female, occupation Knitting.

(“Color” was blank for all these entries. Also, State of Birth is often blank; assumed to indicate birth in Maryland, but not entered here as such)

The following names were entered into a list of possible draftees into the Union Army, from District 5 of St. Mary's Co., MD for July & August, 1863. Age is as of 1 July 1863. (Ancestry.com* - image of Civil War Draft Registration Records)
- Sothoron, S.W., 23 year old single white Farmer, born in Maryland.
- Sothoron, Henry, 30 year old single white Farmer, born in Maryland.
- Sothoron, Wm. H., 26 year old single white Farmer, born in Maryland.
- Sothoron, James, 20 year old single white Teacher, born in Maryland.

1870 Federal Census (1870.06.01, Recorded 1870.08.03) District 5, St. Mary’s Co. - Pg 23, Ln 12, 155/155

- Sothoron, Henry W. 34 year old white male Farmer, born in Maryland. Real property valued at $2,500, personal property at $275. Can neither read nor write.

-----, Catherian. 24 year old white female, keeping house, born in Maryland. Cannot read.

-----, John R. 4 year old white male, at home, born in Maryland.

-----, William. 1 year old white male, at home, born in Maryland.

-----, Alice. 67 year old white female, at home, born in Maryland.

- Stone, John R. 17 year old black male Farm Laborer, born in Maryland.

- Marshall, Martha. 21 year old black female Servant, born in Maryland.

-----, Elizabeth. 3 year old black female, at home, born in Maryland.

-----, James. 1 year old black male, at home, born in Maryland

1880 Federal Census (1880.06.01, Recorded 1880.06.11) Village of Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's Co. - ED 140, Pg 9, Ln 47, 55/64

- Sothoron, Wm H. 44 year old married white male postmaster, he & parents born in Md.

----, Catharine A. Wife, 34 year old married white female, keeping home, she & parents born in Md.

----, John R. Son, 13 year old white male, at school, he & parents born in Md. Attended school within the year.

----, Wm. F. Son, 11 year old single white male, at school, he & parents born in Md. Attended school within the year.

- Sothoron, Sarah A. Daughter, 8 year old single white female, she & parents born in Md.

----, James H. Son, 6 year old single white male, he & parents born in Md.

----, Henry M. Son, 3 year old single white male, he & parents born in Md.

----, Claudia M. Daughter, 1 year old single white female, she & parents born in Md.

William H. Sothoron, waiter, 426 P nw. (Washington Directory*, 1885)

1900 Federal Census (1900.06.01, Recorded 1900.06.04) District 5, St. Mary's Co. - ED 113, Sh 3A (110A), Ln 47, 30/30

- Sothoron, William H. Head, 64 year old widowed white male wheelwright & blacksmith, born May 1836. He & parents born in Maryland. Non-farm home owned free of mortgage. Can read & write, speak English.

----, Claudia M. Daughter, 20 year old single white female, born Dec 1879. She & both parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English.

----, Annie M. Daughter, 17 year old single white female, born May 1883. She & both parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English.

----, Andrew W. Son, 14 year old single white male, born Nov 1885. He & both parents born in Maryland. Can read & write, speaks English.

** Land/Property records - Maryland

Deed of 13 June 1859 by Thomas H. Burroughs & wife Elizabeth, both of St. Mary's Co., MD. For $550 they convey to Elizabeth Ann Sothoron the following parcels of land: Sothoron's Hills, containing about 51 acres; Sothoron's Supply, containing about 21 acres; Long Yorkshire, containing about 25 acres; Burroughs Gift, containing about 91 3/4 acres; in the whole containing about 188 acres, & being all the land that Richard C. Sothoron late of St. Mary's Co. died seized & possessed, & the said interest not conveyed being 1/4 part of the whole, in fee simple. Signed by Thomas H. & Elizabeth Burroughs. Wit: Thomas L. Davis, Isaiah Canter. Certified 30 June 1859. Recorded 25 Nov 1859 & delivered to W.H. Sothoron. (Land Record JTB#3:278)

Notice of auction sale at Hughesville on Jan. 24, by order of the Charles Co. Orphans Court, of a Negro boy belonging to the estate of Francis S. Canter, late of Charles county, dec’d. Administrators Jane Canter, Henry A. Canter & Wm. H. Sothoron. (St. Mary’s Beacon :2, Reported 1860.01.12)

U.S. Stamp $1.00.  Deed of 25 Feb 1864 by Jane Canter of Charles Co., MD. For $550 Canter conveys to William H. Sothoron all her interest in tracts of land: "Sothoron's Hills," about 51 acres; "Sothoron's Supply," about 21 acres; "Long Yorkshire," abut 25 acres; "Burrough's Gift," about 91 3/4 acres; total of about 188 acres. Are all the lands that Richard C. Sothoron late of St. Mary's Co. died seized & possessed, & said interest is one forth of the whole, in fee simple. Signed by Mrs. Jane Canter, witnessed by Geo. N. Alvey, Wm. S. Lyon. Certified same date, recorded 22 March 1864. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JTB#5:322)

In accordance with the new State constitution, the following slaves of William H. Sothoron were emancipated: John R. Stone (14 year old male), Eliza Ann Lee (25 year old female). (Arch MD 369:24 {Slave Statistics of St. Mary’s Co., Maryland, 1864...}, 1864.11.01, Recorded 1867.08.23)

See wife Catharine's Notes for information regarding lands she received from her father's estate (contained in deed of 18 March 1902)..

Trustee’s Sale, by virtue of decree of Circuit Court in Equity passed 30 May 1874, in case of Henry A. Canter et al vs. William H. Sothoron et al, to take place at Charlotte Hall on 27 June 1874. To be sold is properties known as LONG YORKSHIRE, SOTHORON’S HILLS, and SOTHORON’S SUPPLY, 198 acres in all, in 5th Election District, including improvements of Dwelling House, Two Barns & all necessary Out-Houses. Said land is the real estate of which late Richard C. Sothoron died seized and possessed, & is sold clear of widow’s dower. (St. Mary’s Beacon :2, Reported 1874.06.04)

Confirmation Notice. In action of Henry A. Canter & Alice Canter, his wife, vs. William Sothoron, Sarah C. Sothoron, et al, it was ordered on 30 June 1874 that sale of property be ratified and confirmed, unless cause to contrary shown on or before 4th Monday of July next. Report shows land sold for $1,575. (St. Mary’s Beacon :2, Reported 1874.07.02)

Confirmation Notice. Much the same as reported on 2 July 1874. (St. Mary’s Beacon :2, Reported 1874.08.06)

** Public service & activities - Maryland

A list of Registered Voters in Charlotte Hall Dist. includes the following Sothoron given names/initials: Henry, Jos. A., M.S., W. H., B.H., H.C., W, & Jno. H. (St. Mary’s Beacon :1, Reported 1868.10.15)

A list of registered voters for Charlotte Hall (5th) District includes Sothoron family members Henry, Joseph A., J.H., Wm. H., B.H., H.C. and W. (St. Mary’s Beacon :2, Reported 1869.10.07)

County expenses for the fiscal year closing 11 June 1873 was published. Includes payment to Wm. H. Sothoron of $8 for “room rent,” under the general heading of “Elections.” (St. Mary’s Beacon :1,Reported 1873.08.07}

Wm. H. Sothoron serving on the Grand Jury for the current term of the Circuit Court. (St. Mary’s Beacon :2, Reported 1873.09.18)

In the last fiscal year, the County reimbursed Wm. H. Sothoron $15.90 for serving as a juror, and $12 as a Judge or Clerk of Elections. (St. Mary’s Beacon :1, Reported 1874.08.27)

During the fiscal year ending 11 June 1875, Wm. H. Sothoron received $8 reimbursement for room rent. (St. Mary’s Beacon :1, Reported 1875.07.29)

Wm. H. Sothoron on the list of Petit Jurors for the September term, 1875. (St. Mary’s Beacon :2, Reported 1875.09.09)

Wm. H. Sothoron a Petit Juror for the September Term, to be held on the 3rd Monday of September. (St. Mary’s Beacon :2, Reported 1876.08.17)

William H. Sothoron appointed postmaster at Charlotte Hall on 10 May 1877. Next appointment (Mary E. Chesley) was on 29 August 1899. (Hammett* :135)

List of Grand Jurors for upcoming term includes Wm. H. Sothoron. (St. Mary’s Beacon :2, Reported 1877.08.23)

W. H. Sothoron is Postmaster of Charlotte Hall, population 70, and a blacksmith. (St. Mary’s Co. Directory, 1878)

List of jurors for March term includes Wm. H. Sothoron. (St. Mary’s Beacon :3, Reported 1882.02.23)

Jury list includes Wm. H. Sothoron. (St. Mary’s Beacon :3, Reported 1884.08.14)

Wm. Y. Sothoron was a juror in a coroner’s inquest into the death of Child of Mary Williams. “Infant child of Mary Williams, unbaptized was violently struck on right side of head. Suspect is mother.” Knott* :102 {St. Mary’s Co. Circuit Court - Coroner’s Inquests}, 1899.06.14)

** Death

Wm. H. Sothoron died 6 May 1902 in St. Mary's Co., MD. (MD State Archives - Index of Death Records, Maryland Counties)








Catharine Ann






Bettie Ann





(On opposite face of stone is “SOTHORON”)

Grave Marker, All Faith Episcopal Church, Cemetery Huntersville, St. Mary's Co., MD. 


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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.